Collier Pickard

Collier Pickard's workflow management solutions aim to optimise your processes, reducing inefficiencies and boosting productivity across all levels of your organisation. By implementing cutting-edge workflow management technologies, they enable automation of repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on strategic initiatives that drive growth.

Collier Pickard's CRM consultancy hinges on a personalised approach, ensuring the solutions they recommend are perfectly aligned with your business goals and operational requirements. The CRM strategies are designed to enhance not only sales processes but also marketing, customer service, and operational efficiency, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive approach to managing your business relationships and workflows.

Marketing on Hold

Keep it simple. Use simple words and sentences. Don’t pad-out scripts with complex language and jargon! Messaging on Hold needs to be simple, and to the point, so your callers can hear it wherever they are. If possible, repeat your key messages to make sure callers absorb them. If you can, make it memorable! Whether it’s a joke, an interesting factoid or a ‘different’ way of saying their call is important, make sure your callers have a positive memory of their on-hold experience.

We will work with you to make it a simple and straightforward process. You just need to choose your music and voice style, and then write down the message you would like to be recorded. We are can help you achieve the best possible results

Not long at all! We even get recordings live in as little as 2 days, so that you can react to any new business needs or operational changes.

No. You can record your own messages. It's up to you, but we can vouch for the exceptional quality of the voice-over artists. It will lift your user experience to another level  

Business IT

Extech Cloud has a team of experts on hand 24/7 to help with any network problems. They have the knowledge to resolve issues quickly and get your business back on track.

Extech's cybersecurity consultants will ensure your business is as secure as possible. They offer a range of IT security services to protect all devices, stored files, and databases, and can support your business through industry accreditation.

Hosted Telephony

A great deal, actually. With cloud-based telephony, Rubix VT enables flexible and remote working to the highest standards. Importantly, nobody needs to know that your staff aren’t in the office – even your hard-working receptionist. With confidence, your employees can make outbound calls and receive inbound calls with “softphone” functionality on their pcs or laptops.

Don’t worry – with us, they’re pretty straightforward. The team here Rubix are experts in call recording and can advise you accordingly. We’ll deliver the functionality you need to meet any compliance requirements that arise. For example, MiFID ii (financial services) and/or PCI DSS (payment card industry data security standards). There’s an auto-delete function too (after a certain number of days), which we can set up for you.

Historically, many companies have run their phone system using servers based in their premises. It was an expensive option and is no longer necessary. Of course, if you prefer to have your own server and phone systems, we can always support your set-up. When we say we will 'host' your telecoms, we mean we will run it from the cloud ie. a data centre, which is secure and reliable. As well as being more cost-effective (less expensive kit to buy), it is also more flexible and is constantly being updated. For instance, the cloud can turn any device with internet access into a phone. Don’t worry – get in touch with us if you’re not sure.

No. We can transfer your existing numbers to VoIP, and you’ll have them forever. Calls can be made and answered seamlessly from anywhere – a mobile, landline or via a laptop, at no extra charge. This sleek functionality is super-useful for your home-based staff.

Apologies, but we’re not sure yet. If you’ve not reviewed your telecoms services for some time, it’s likely that your bills are too high. And, it's also likely that savings with us could be substantial. Email us a copy of your bill. Rubix VT will offer you a calculation, free of charge. We’ll work out your monthly savings, incorporating your current monthly spend – and what you could be spending with us instead. Of course, there’s no obligation with our bills analysis.

Mobile apps

Microsoft 365 is a powerful software package with all the elements for efficient and seamless hybrid or remote working. With the guidance of our experienced IT experts, migration to Microsoft cloud services, like OneDrive and Azure, can help businesses optimise real-time, collaborative working with seamless connectivity and data access.

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Broadband and Leased Lines

For most businesses, a reliable, fast broadband more than suffices. Most addresses have access to 'SoGEA', a fibre broadband connection which delivers download speeds of up to 80 Mbps, and upload speeds of up to 20 Mbps. If not, we'll find you the best alternative that is available. If your business needs to transfer large amount of data, then you may want to consider installing a leased line, which offers powerful and lightning-fast uploads and downloads. If you have a regular broadband service such as SoGEA, it is likely you will be sharing your line with other users, but this is still secure and fast enough for most businesses. A leased line offers dedicated internet access and you won't be sharing your line with other users. Understandably, this is a more expensive option. If you wanted faster broadband without upgrading to a leased line, we offer business-grade broadband, and this could be your best option.