Home working is here to stay

Home working is here to stay

Now is the time to invest in your remote employees.

The countdown to a (hopefully) lockdown-free summer has begun.

Pubs and restaurants will re-open and, at last, everyone will be able to return to work from home working.

But will they?

Not everyone is keen. In a recent survey, 75% of UK office workers said that they didn’t want to return to the office full-time once normality returns.

It isn’t just a case of employees wishing to remain in the comfort of their own homes. Employers also see the advantage of home working with the flexibility it comes with.

A survey of just under 1,000 firms by the Institute of Directors (IoD) showed that 74% plan on continuing with some level of home working. BP, for example, has told office-based staff they will spend two days a week working from home after lockdown restrictions ease.

The message is clear – home working is here to stay. And now is the time for businesses to install remote infrastructure that is fit for purpose.

Upgrading home working

It was almost a year ago that UK workers first packed up their desks and headed for home. For those fortunate enough to remain healthy and at work, the first lockdown was a bit of a novelty. It was a time of Zoom quizzes, Joe Wicks workouts and Netflix box sets.

With the spirit of camaraderie and everyone being in it together, the rules of work were loosened. No-one cared if a cat or toddler made an appearance during a video call. If a Zoom connection dropped, people were relaxed enough to make allowances. There was no need for state-of-the-art business telecoms services. And that was great.

Now the novelty has worn off. Businesses know that hybrid working is here to stay and they have to apply professionalism and higher standards. It’s time to get serious.

This doesn’t mean losing our sense of humour or community, but the expectation will be that remote workers have access to reliable communications, robust security and the right tools to do the job.

The simple fact is that domestic broadband isn’t robust enough to enable most people to work productively from home.

Your home workers may well be sharing their Wi-Fi with family members who are watching Netflix, streaming music, playing with friends on the Xbox or uploading videos to Instagram. With such strain on the bandwidth, Zoom or Teams meetings are likely to slow down or freeze.

The time has come for make-shift home offices to match the functionality of the real thing.

Sourcing the right business telecoms services

The ideal solution is a dedicated business broadband connection, plugged into a separate router. The benefits go way beyond just keeping the rest of the family off the business network.

You can expect lightning speed connections, full Teams integration, super fast uploads and downloads – and you can take full advantage of the savings and benefits of VoIP technology.

It may sound rather complicated – in fact, it is the opposite. Rubix will quickly get you set up, without any fuss or drama.

Upgrading remote telecoms opens up all kinds of possibilities:

  • Improved call quality – VoIP technology offers enhanced voice clarity, markedly sharper than traditional telephony.
  • The option of taking calls through a laptop, mobile or handset.
  • Flexible working – moving seamlessly from voice calls to SMS, document sharing to video conferencing.
  • Connectivity – establish contact centre functionality, with full analytics.
  • Avoid missing calls – save voicemails as texts or emails.
  • Call handling – all the functionality of an office-based phone system such as transferring calls, configuring incoming calls to ring multiple devices at once, or system ring the devices one by one until the call is answered.

Choosing a business telecoms supplier

Find a supplier you are happy to work with and that you trust. One size does not fit all.

Your telecoms supplier should get to know your business needs and work out a solution that works best for you. At Rubix, we will always instigate an initial in-depth fact-find – it’s thorough, but that’s essential for us to supply the right system at the best price.

There is no need to splash out on expensive equipment – your phone and communications system should be housed in the cloud, rather than in your office. Known as hosted telephony, you have ultimate control using internet enabled devices.

It is unusual for things to go wrong with your communications, but when it does you should expect a quick and efficient service that gets you up and running again. You certainly don’t want to be passed around a call centre.

With Rubix you will have your own account manager and you won’t be left to fend on your own.

Rubix is here to remove the barriers to communication and allow you to get on with your work and life.

Rubix is THE telecoms company you’ve been looking for.